We are so glad you stopped by for a visit and hope the information we provide helps you get to know us better.  A word of caution, though.  If you are looking for the PERFECT church, well, we’re not it.  We don’t necessarily agree with each other 100% on everything; sometimes what we try fails; we strive to be Christlike in word and deed but occasionally come up short; and we are limited sometimes in what we can offer because of our resources.

All that being said, Wesley just may be the perfect church for YOU.  If you are looking for a church that will love you as you ask questions and wrestle with the growing edges of your faith, we’re here to come alongside you in that journey.  If you are longing to explore and use your creativity in worship and learning opportunities, you will be met with other creatives to nurture your spirit.  If you have a passion for serving God by serving others, we will connect you with many opportunities for you to be the hands and feet of Christ in both the church and the larger community.  And, most importantly, if you have been hungering for a church home where you can just be true to who God has created you to be, we don’t just say we have open hearts and open minds and open doors – we mean it!
If you still have questions after browsing through what Wesley has to offer, please reach out to us.  We’re here to answer your questions and help you get connected in a way that helps you grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you are welcome here.

Get to know wesley memorial uMC!

Plan a Visit

Join us for one of our worship services! Click on the image to learn more about our services, Sunday School options, and everything you need to know for your visit!

What we believe

Click on the image to learn what our core values are. Our Mission and Vision statement is, "Wesley equips and empowers persons to engage with each other and the larger community for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 


This part of the website is under construction. We will upload our calendar of events soon! Please call our office for information about upcoming events at 423-282-6722.

Get Involved

For even the son of man came not to be served, but to serve... Mark 10:45

At Wesley, we value serving our neighbors through various ministries, volunteer opportunities, and giving. Click on the image to learn more!