Opportunities for Growth and Connection
Wesley offers many inter-generational opportunities as well as some age specific. See the list below and contact us with any questions.
6th-12th grade
This is a yearly retreat that happens each January in Pigeon Forge Tennessee. Join thousands of youth and adults for a weekend of worship, fellowship and discipleship!
Family Activities
Through out the year we offer many activities/events for the church family. All ages are included to learn together, play together and fellowship together. Examples include Camp Compassion, Advent Surprises, Trunks of Treats, etc.
Karate for Kids
Tuesday nights 6:00-7:00
This class is free to kids. Just show up for class and they will get you started.
Adult Karate
Tuesday nights 7:00-8:00
This class is free to adults. Just show up for class and they will get you started.
Knitting Group
Mondays at 3:00
This group of church and community knitters have a great time of fellowship. Newbies and experienced knitters are welcome.
Pickle Ball
6th grade-Adults
Sundays from 2:00-4:00
This is for beginners and experienced players. Come join the fun and fellowship while exercising. New members welcome anytime.
Men's Group
Wesley Men's group meets once a month on a Saturday for breakfast. Typically it is the 3rd Saturday of the month. They do service projects and have quests speakers from time to time. If you are interested in the men's ministry, please let the church office know.
Small Groups
​We offer weekday and Sunday morning classes and groups for adults.
Some are hybrid classes with in person and zoom.
Men's Covenant Group
This group meets to hold each other mutually accountable ​for their discipleship. They support each other as they grow in their faith.
Book Club
2nd Mondays at 10:00
Made up of church and community readers. We ready mostly literary fiction with some non-fiction at times thrown in for good measure.
Learn to Live
Monthly on Tuesdays at 12:30 at Philosopher's House
This group meets to discuss a variety of books on topics that challenge us to expand our understanding of the faith.
XYZ 2.0
Meets monthly for lunch and fellowship.
This is for "seasoned adults" who want to eat locally to support our community while connecting with others.